If you’ve ever been subject to a drug test, you know how nerve-wracking it can be. Whether it’s a pre-employment screening or a random drug test, worrying about the outcome is par for the course.
But what if you’ve recently used cocaine? How long does cocaine stay in your system? Could it come up on your drug test? What happens if you test positive for cocaine?
Many people have similar concerns when it comes to knowing how long cocaine stays in your body. Cocaine can stay detectable in your system for days or weeks after use depending on a variety of factors including frequency of use and individual body chemistry. To understand what happens during a drug test, let’s check out cocaine detection times so you can have the info you need.
There are several types of drug tests used by employers and medical professionals today, including saliva test, hair follicle tests, blood test, and urine test. Depending on the type of drug testing employed, the detection window can range from from 2 days to 3 months.
Out of these options, urine testing is most commonly used because it is fast and affordable compared to other methods. Additionally, most insurance companies consider urine testing as an accepted method for detecting illegal substances.
How Long Does Cocaine Stay in Urine? Urine Test Detection Times
Cocaine can be found in the urine for a period of 2 to 4 days. This is a typical range for a single-use and the detection time can vary depending on the frequency of use. For chronic users who use cocaine on a long term basis, the drug can stay in the urine for up to 14 days after their last use.
When it comes to urine tests for cocaine, there are two main chemical compounds that will be tested for—benzoylecgonine and cocaethylene. Benzoylecgonine is the primary metabolite of cocaine and has an average detection time of 2 days to 4 days after last using the substance. Cocaethylene, on the other hand, is created after drinking alcohol and using cocaine. It has an average detection time of 5 days to 14 days after last use.
It’s important to keep in mind that detection times are only estimates and may vary depending on an individual’s metabolism, health condition, age, weight and other factors. Additionally, regular cocaine users may also develop a tolerance to the drug which could affect how long cocaine remains in their system.
Urine Test Detection Times for Cocaine – 2 days to 4 days (single use) or up to 14 days (chronic users)
How Long Does Cocaine Stay in the Blood? Blood Test Detection Times
A blood test can spot cocaine for 24 hours to 2 days after last use. Cocaine has a much shorter detection time in blood than urine tests because its half-life is only 1 hour. That means that after one hour, only half of the amount present in your bloodstream will remain.
As such, most people testing positive on a blood test did so within 24 hours of their last use. However, some people have tested positive 2 days after their last use due to higher amounts ingested or slower metabolism rates.
Blood Test Detection Times for Cocaine – 24 hours to 2 days
How Long Does Cocaine Stay in the Saliva? Saliva Test Detection Times
Saliva tests usually detect cocaine consumption within 24 hours to 2 days after consumption. This will, of course, depend on the volume consumed and individual metabolism rate.
Saliva tests are relatively easy to administer and detect recent drug use more easily than other types of testing like urine or hair follicle tests. However, the short detection window and low rate of accuracy make saliva tests less desirable for most employers and medical professionals.
Saliva Test Detection Times for Cocaine – 24 hours to 2 days
How Long Does Cocaine Stay in the Hair? Hair Test Detection Times
Cocaine can be detected in the hair follicles for up to 3 months after last use. Hair follicle testing is usually not used but some companies and medical institutions may opt to use this method of testing due to its long detection window.
The advantage of a hair test is that it can detect drug usage even if it occurred months prior. It should also be noted that hair follicle testing is not foolproof as environmental factors can affect accuracy (e.g., exposure to secondhand smoke).
Hair Test Detection Times for Cocaine – 24 hours to 2 days
How Long Does Crack Cocaine Stay in Your System?
Crack cocaine or simply “crack” is the solid crystal form of cocaine that is usually smoked. Crack is believed to have a shorter detection window when compared to its powdered counterpart. However, this will still depend on many different factors.
Generally, crack cocaine could remain in the body for a period of 24 hours to 3 months. The difference from the cocaine detection times is not that significant as crack is simply the solid form of cocaine.
How Long Does Crack Stay in Urine, Blood, Saliva, Hair?
Just like in drug tests for different types of substances, the crack cocaine detection window will depend on the drug testing being administered. It will also depend on how much crack cocaine you consumed and how frequent you used it.
Other factors like your metabolism, health condition, organ function, body fat, etc., will also play a role in how long crack cocaine stays in your system.
Urine Test Detection Times Crack Cocaine – 1 day to 4 days
Blood Test Detection Times Crack Cocaine – 24 hours
Saliva Test Detection Times Crack Cocaine – 24 hours
Hair Test Detection Times Crack Cocaine – up to 3 months / 90 days
How Can I Flush Out Cocaine from My System?
No matter your situation or why you need it, understanding how long drugs like cocaine stay in urine and in your system can help put your mind at ease when facing a possible drug test.
If you’re still worried about passing a urine test due to recent cocaine use, you may be wondering how to flush out cocaine or crack from your system. Is there a quick way to get rid of these substances from your system?
Unfortunately, every individual metabolizes drugs differently, so there is no definitive answer to this question. You might have heard of methods like drinking lots of water or exercising, but the reality is that these methods have not been proven to be 100% effective in flushing out cocaine quickly from your system.
The best way to avoid a positive drug test is simply to abstain from cocaine use or any other illicit substances at least 3 months before the test. We understand, however, that this is not an easy process.
Cocaine abuse is one of the most difficult substance abuse disorders to overcome and we strongly urge you to get professional help. Going cold turkey can be very dangerous. Detox should only be done under the supervision of a medical professional to avoid the withdrawal effects of cocaine.
At Safe Haven Recovery in Beverly Hills, California, we specialize in cocaine addiction treatment plans that are tailored to your needs and condition. Our treatment programs combine evidence-based therapies with holistic methods in a luxury setting in order to help you achieve long term sobriety.
Reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you safely detox from cocaine.