Learn about our different levels of care and our unique therapeutic approaches to treatment
Thousands of clients have become clean and sober through our programs. Our clinical approach is how we create success stories.
Mindfulness is a practice that can complement traditional addiction treatment methods for a more holistic approach. There are many different strategies in addiction recovery. There’s always a new thing promising to cure all your cravings and prevent you from ever relapsing. With holistic rehab programs becoming more and more popular, one strategy that’s been getting […]
September 29, 2024
Mindfulness is a practice that can complement traditional addiction treatment methods for a more holistic
June 24, 2023
Addiction is a complex and challenging condition to manage. It can take a significant toll
Get a confidential consultation and explore your options.
Our friendly support team is here to help.
We accept most major insurance providers including the ones displayed here.
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Address: 1690 Coldwater Canyon Dr, Beverly Hills, CA, USA 90210
Office #: (888) 350-7218
Email: info@safehavenbh.com
Licensed and Certified by the State Department of Health
Care Services License # 190051AP Exp 09/30/2025
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